Exposure to incontinence is a major risk factor for developing incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD). Patients with IAD are also at risk for developing a pressure injury. In fact, patients with fecal incontinence were 22 times more likely to have pressure injuries than patients without fecal incontinence. Comfort Shield®Barrier Cream Cloths apply a consistent 3% dimethicone barrier to help protect your patients’ skin from incontinence moisture.
Not all dimethicone-containing cloths are created equal. It’s essential to consider overall product formulation in order to make a comparison of products containing dimethicone that are designed to be a barrier. A study designed to test the effectiveness of incontinence barriers showed that Comfort Shield allowed 3-5 times less artificial urine to pass through than the leading competitors. Comfort Shield’s thick, lotion-based dimethicone barrier emulsion has been proven equivalent to traditional tube barrier creams.
A randomized, controlled clinical trial published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing found that using Comfort Shield significantly reduced the prevalence of IAD. A study published in Ostomy Wound Management of a nurse-driven intervention, featuring Comfort Shield, reduced the rate of IAD and hospital-acquired pressure injuries to zero-percent.
- 3 Cloths per pack